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West Coast Ford Lincoln

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Ridge-Meadows RCMP Citizens On Patrol

West Coast Ford Lincoln has been supporting the local RCMP Citizens On Patrol for the past 10 years and is proud to assist in keeping our community safe. With over 60 volunteers currently in the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area, Citizens On Patrol are responsible for actively observing and reporting all activities or situations that appear to be criminal or suspicious in nature.

The Citizens On Patrol program and volunteers have been credited with numerous contributions in terms of reducing crime in their local areas. Volunteers have no direct contact with offenders. Program participants are supplied with VHF radio to report criminal or suspicious activity to local police via a base station. Paired with another volunteer, Citizens On Patrol use both personal and marked vehicles, as well as brief foot patrols to actively observe and report within their communities. Citizens On Patrol also take part in ICBC's Stolen Auto Recovery Program by using the CPIC website to check suspicious vehicle plates to determine if it is a stolen vehicle.

For more information about your local RCMP Citizens On Patrol program, please contact Charlene Hargreaves (Volunteer Coordinator) at (604) 467-7644.